Articles publiés dans cette rubrique
Création du/des dépôt(s) : exemple : mkdir -p /jumpstart/images/Version_OS/type_OS/ # mkdir -p /jumpstart/images/S8_02-02/sparc/ # mkdir -p /jumpstart/images/S8_02-02/x86/ ( pour version PC ) Copie du cdrom 1/2 dans le dépôt : # cd /CD_mount_point/Solaris_8/Tools # ./setup_install_server (…)
Jumpstart : Création d’un fichier sysidcfg : network_interface=primary hostname=calais protocol_ipv6=no netmask= ip_address= default_route=none security_policy=none name_service=none timezone=MET system_locale=en_US.ISO8859-1 (…)
sysidcfg (sun)
Mots clés pour sysidcfg : Syntax Rules for the sysidcfg File You can use two types of keywords in the sysidcfg file : independent and dependent. Dependent keywords are guaranteed to be unique only within independent keywords. A dependent keyword exists only when it is (…)
rules (sun)
Probe Keywords and Values Note :
Always place probe keywords at or near the beginning of the rules file. Table 41 - Descriptions of Probe Keywords
Rule Keyword
Equivalent Probe Keyword
Description of Probe Keyword (…)
classe (sun)
Creating a Profile A profile is a text file that defines how to install the Solaris software on a system. A profile defines elements of the installation, for example, the software group to install. Every rule specifies a profile that defines how a system is to be installed. You can create (…)
Création d une image flash La syntaxe de la commande flarcreate est la suivante : flarcreate -n nom [-R racine] [-S] [-c] [-t] [-m syst._master] [-a auteur] [-e descr] [-x exclude] archive -n Donne le nom de l’archive -R (…)